/* * ATTENTION! This file is automatically created from several JavaScript files. * Find file path and name in the comments in the beginning of the each code block */ /* * FILE START: _shared/code/js/front_editor.js */ /** * @param {object} oDictionary Object containing properties as keys and its values as captions * @return void * * @copyright Amiro.CMS. All rights reserved. Changes are not allowed. */ function amiDictionary(oDictionary){ /** * @var {object} */ this.oDictionary = typeof(oDictionary) == 'object' ? oDictionary : {}; /** * Set single caption * * @param {string} key * @param {string} caption * @return void */ this.set = function(key, caption){ this.oDictionary[key] = caption; } /** * Append only new captions to dictionary * * @param {object} oDictionary Object containing properties as keys and its values as captions * @return void */ this.append = function(oDictionary){ for(var key in oDictionary){ if(typeof(this.oDictionary[key]) == 'undefined'){ this.oDictionary[key] = oDictionary[key]; } } } /** * Append new captions, override obsolete * * @param {object} oDictionary Object containing properties as keys and its values as captions * @return void */ this.megre = function(oDictionary){ for(var key in oDictionary){ this.oDictionary[key] = oDictionary[key]; } } /** * Get caption by key * * @param {string} key * @return {string} | null */ this.get = function(key){ if(typeof(this.oDictionary[key]) == 'undefined'){ if(typeof(console) == 'object' && typeof(console.warn) == 'function'){ // firebug debugging console.warn("Undefined dictionary key '" + key + "'"); console.trace(); } return null; }else{ return this.oDictionary[key]; } } /** * Parse caption specified by key using variables * * @param {string} key * @param {object} oVariables Object containing properties as keys and its values as captions * @return {string} | null */ this.parse = function(key, oVariables){ var caption = this.get(key); if(caption){ for(var variable in oVariables){ caption = caption.replace('_' + variable + '_', oVariables[variable]); } } return caption; } } /** * Amiro.CMS text editor * * @param {string} Global variable name * @param {amiDictionary} oDictionary * * Textarea editor with pseudo codes and preview support * @version 1.0. Last changes: 25/05/2010 * @copyright Amiro.CMS. All rights reserved. Changes are not allowed. */ function amiroTEdit(varName, oDictionary){ this.isInitialized = false; this.currentMode = 'editor'; this.varName = varName; this.editorId = 'amiroTEdDivEditor'; this.idPreviewDiv = 'amiroTEdDivPreview'; this.previewButtonObj = undefined; this.editorObj = false; this.oDictionary = (oDictionary == undefined ? {} : oDictionary); this.isIE = true; this.useNoIndex = false; this.fontHeight = 15; this.regTextAreaResizeY = 0; this.editorModeCode = false; this.updatePreviewMode = ''; this.allowedImages = []; this.bAllowURLs = true; this.ceMode = false; this.aTags = { 'empty' : ['', ''], 'bold' : ['[B]', '[/B]'], 'strike' : ['[S]', '[/S]'], 'indent' : ['[INDENT]', '[/INDENT]'], 'code' : ['[CODE]', '[/CODE]'], 'italic' : ['[I]', '[/I]'], 'underlined' : ['[U]', '[/U]'], 'quote' : ['[Q]', '[Q="#\#value#\#"]', '[/Q]'], 'align:left' : ['[LEFT]', '[/LEFT]'], 'align:right' : ['[RIGHT]', '[/RIGHT]'], 'align:center' : ['[CENTER]', '[/CENTER]'], 'align:justify': ['[JUSTIFY]', '[/JUSTIFY]'], 'ulist' : ['[LIST]', '\n[/LIST]'], 'ulist_item' : ['\n[*]', ''], 'olist' : ['[OL]', '\n[/OL]'], 'olist_item' : ['\n[*]', ''], 'addlink' : ['[URL="#\#value#\#"]', '[/URL]'], 'addimg' : ['[IMG]', '[/IMG]'], 'font_family' : ['[FONT="#\#value#\#"]', '[/FONT]'], 'font_size' : ['[SIZE="#\#value#\#"]', '[/SIZE]'], 'font_color' : ['[COLOR="#\#value#\#"]', '[/COLOR]'], 'header' : ['[H#\#value#\#]', '[/H#\#value#\#]'], 'smile' : ['', ''] }; this.usedFonts = ['Times New Roman','Georgia','Arial','Arial Black','Arial Narrow','Book Antiqua','Comic Sans MS','Courier New','Lucida Concole','Tahoma','Verdana']; this.maxTextSize = 7; this.usedColors = ['Black','Sienna','DarkOliveGreen','DarkGreen','DarkSlateBlue','Navy','Indigo','DarkSlateGray','DarkRed','DarkOrange','Olive','Green','Teal','Blue','SlateGray','DimGray','Red','SandyBrown','YellowGreen','SeaGreen','MediumTurquoise','RoyalBlue','Purple','Gray','Magenta','Orange','Yellow','Lime','Cyan','DeepSkyBlue','DarkOrchid','Silver','Pink','Wheat','LemonChiffon','PaleGreen','PaleTurquoise','LightBlue','Plum','White']; this.smilesPath = 'base'; this.baseSmiles = [new Array('smile.gif', 'Smile', ':)'),new Array('laugh.gif', 'Laugh', ':D'),new Array('frown.gif', 'Frown', ':('),new Array('wink.gif', 'Wink', ';)'),new Array('blush.gif', 'Blush', ':blush:'),new Array('eek.gif', 'Eek', ':eek:'),new Array('pardon.gif', 'Pardon', ':pardon:'),new Array('cry.gif', 'Cry', ':cry:'),new Array('cool.gif', 'Cool', ':cool:'),new Array('angry.gif', 'Angry', ':angry:'),new Array('finger_up.gif', 'Thumbs up', ':finger_up:'),new Array('finger_down.gif', 'Thumbs down', ':finger_down:'),new Array('rose.gif', 'Rose', ':rose:')]; this.allSmiles = []; this.allSmilesTitles = {'': ''}; this.smilesCopyright = ''; this.baseHref = typeof(frontBaseHref) != 'undefined' ? frontBaseHref : (typeof(editorBaseHref) != 'undefined' ? editorBaseHref : ''); window.bbEditorBaseHref = this.baseHref; this.init = function(){ userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isIE = userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && userAgent.indexOf('opera') == -1 && typeof(window.opera) == 'undefined'; if(typeof(this.oDictionary) != 'object' || this.oDictionary.length == 0){ this.oDictionary = new amiDictionary({ 'bold': 'Bold', 'italic': 'Italic', 'underline': 'Underline', 'strike': 'Strike through', 'quote': 'Quote', 'align_left': 'Align left', 'align_center': 'Align center', 'align_right': 'Align right', 'justify': 'Justify', 'insert_list': 'Insert list', 'insert_olist': 'Insert ordered list', 'insert_link': 'Insert link', 'delete_link': 'Delete link', 'insert_image': 'Insert image', 'font': 'Font', 'size': 'Size', 'header': 'Select header', 'color': 'Color', 'more': 'more', 'insert_code': 'Insert code', 'indent': 'Indent', 'outdent': 'Outdent', 'preview': 'Preview', 'hide_preview': 'Hide preview', 'update_preview': 'Update preview', 'warn_message_length': 'Message to short!', 'warn_invalid_image_url': 'Invalid image URL!', 'warn_image_url_internal_links_forbidden': 'Images from this site are forbidden!', 'warn_image_url_external_links_forbidden': 'Images from other sites are forbidden!', 'prompt_enter_list_element': 'Enter list element', 'prompt_enter_next_list_element': 'Enter list element or leave field empty to finish', 'prompt_enter_url': 'Enter URL', 'prompt_enter_image_url': 'Enter image URL', 'warn_urls_reg_only': 'Using URLs forbidden for unregistered users.' }); } for(i = 0; i /g, '').replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); selTxt = selTxt.replace(//g, ''); } tmpTags[0] = tmpTags[0].replace(/#\#value#\#/g, subaction.replace(/"/g, '"')); this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags, selTxt); success = true; break; case 'align': if(subaction != undefined && this.aTags['align:'+subaction]){ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['align:'+subaction]); success = true; } break; case 'ulist': case 'olist': var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); if(selTxt != ''){ this._procSelectionList(selTxt, action); }else{ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags[action]); var listLine = ''; listLine = prompt(this.oDictionary.get('prompt_enter_list_element'), ''); while(listLine != '' && listLine != null){ this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags[action + '_item'], listLine, true); listLine = prompt(this.oDictionary.get('prompt_enter_next_list_element'), ''); } } success = true; break; case 'addlink': if(this.bAllowURLs){ urlLine = prompt(this.oDictionary.get('prompt_enter_url'), 'http://'); if(urlLine != '' && urlLine != null){ var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); var tmpTags = [this.aTags['addlink'][0], this.aTags['addlink'][1]]; tmpTags[0] = tmpTags[0].replace(/#\#value#\#/g, urlLine.replace(/"/g, '"')); selTxt = selTxt == '' ? urlLine : selTxt; this._boundSelectionWithTags(tmpTags, selTxt); success = true; } }else{ alert(this.oDictionary.get('warn_urls_reg_only')); } break; case 'dellink': var selTxt = this._getSelectedText(); if(selTxt != '' && selTxt.indexOf('[URL') != -1 && selTxt.indexOf('[/URL]') != -1){ selTxt = selTxt.replace(/\[URL=\".*?\"\]/g, ''); selTxt = selTxt.replace(/\[\/URL\]/g, ''); this._boundSelectionWithTags(this.aTags['empty'], selTxt); success = true; } break; case 'addimg': var urlLine = 'http://'; do { urlLine = prompt(this.oDictionary.get('prompt_enter_image_url'), urlLine); askURL = urlLine != null; if (askURL) { urlLine = urlLine.replace(/^(.*?)\?.*$/, '$1'); if (urlLine != '') { var allowedImages = this.allowedImages; var re = /^https?\:\/\/([^\/]+)(\/[^\?]*)(\?.*)?/; re.exec(urlLine); if (RegExp.$2 == '' || RegExp.$1 == '') { alert(this.oDictionary.get('warn_invalid_image_url')); } else if (allowedImages.indexOf('internal_links') 0){ begin = newText.substring(0, newSelDl); } var end = ''; if(newSelDr > 0){ end = newText.substring(newSelDr-1); } this.ce.highlighter.oEditor.replaceSelection(newText, (setPointerToEnd ? "end" : "")); if(begin.length && end.length){ selStart = this.ce.highlighter.oEditor.getSelStart(); selEnd = this.ce.highlighter.oEditor.getSelEnd(); selStart.ch += newSelDl; selEnd.ch -= newSelDr; if((selEnd.line == selStart.line) && (selEnd.ch 0){ var reqHeight = this.editorObj.offsetHeight-this.regTextAreaResizeY+clientY; if(reqHeight > 50){ this.editorObj.style.height = reqHeight; this.regTextAreaResizeY = clientY; } } return false; } this._HTMLSpecialChars = function(taValue){ taValue = taValue.replace(/&/g, '&'); taValue = taValue.replace(/"/g, '"'); taValue = taValue.replace(//g, '>'); return taValue; } this.raws = []; this.getHTMLContent = function(cutLongURL){ var smilesPath = this.baseHref + '_mod_files/smiles/' + this.smilesPath + '/'; var specSmiles = {";)":"wink", ":)":"smile", ":D":"laugh", ":(":"frown"}; var localUseNoIndex = this.useNoIndex; var fontHeight = this.fontHeight; taValue = this._HTMLSpecialChars(this.editorObj.value); if(this.ceMode && this.ce.useSpecialCharsFeature){ taValue = taValue.replace(/·/g, ' '); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n/g, '
\r\n'); } if(this.ceMode){ taValue = taValue.replace( /\[RAW\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/RAW\]/gi, function(obj){ return function(allstr, tagContent){ var rawIndex = obj.raws.length; tagContent = tagContent.replace(/&/g, '&'); tagContent = tagContent.replace(/"/g, '"'); tagContent = tagContent.replace(/</g, ''); if(!obj.ce.useSpecialCharsFeature){ tagContent = tagContent.replace(/
/g, ''); } obj.raws.push(tagContent); return ('##__AMI_RAW_' + rawIndex + '__##'); } }(this) ); if(this.ce.useSpecialCharsFeature){ taValue = taValue.replace(/↵/g, '
'); } // Script tag taValue = taValue.replace(/\ ((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\/gi, function(allstr, tagContent){ // Despecialcharsize tagContent = tagContent.replace(/&/g, '&'); tagContent = tagContent.replace(/"/g, '"'); tagContent = tagContent.replace(/</g, ''); tagContent = tagContent.replace(/
/g, ''); return ' '; }); } taValue = taValue.replace(/\[DIV\]/gi, '

'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/DIV\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[LEFT\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/LEFT\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[RIGHT\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/RIGHT\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[CENTER\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/CENTER\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[JUSTIFY\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/JUSTIFY\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[LEFT="DIV"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[RIGHT="DIV"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[CENTER="DIV"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[JUSTIFY="DIV"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[LEFT="P"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/LEFT="P"\]/gi, '


'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[RIGHT="P"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/RIGHT="P"\]/gi, '


'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[CENTER="P"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/CENTER="P"\]/gi, '


'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[JUSTIFY="P"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/JUSTIFY="P"\]/gi, '


'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(\/?)(B|I|U|S|P|H\d)\]/gi, ''); window.amiSimpleEditorCodes = []; taValue = taValue.replace(/\[CODE\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/CODE\]/gi, function(allstr, tagContent){ tagContent = tagContent.replace(/
/gi, ''); var nlCount = 1; var nlPos = tagContent.indexOf('\n'); while(nlPos != -1){ nlCount++; nlPos = tagContent.indexOf('\n', nlPos+1); } if(nlCount > 10) nlCount = 10; var codeKey = window.amiSimpleEditorCodes.length; window.amiSimpleEditorCodes[codeKey] = tagContent; return '
'; }); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[Q\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[Q="(.*?)"\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(\/?)(INDENT|Q)\]/gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[LIST\]/gi, '
    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/LIST\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[UL\]/gi, '
    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/UL\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[OL\]/gi, '
    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/OL\]/gi, '
'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\*\]/gi, '
  • '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[FONT="(.*?)"\]/gi, function(allstr, fontName){return ' '}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[(COLOR|SIZE)="(.*?)"\]/gi, function(allstr, tagParam, paramValue){return ' '}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\[\/(FONT|SIZE|COLOR)\]/gi, ' '); var urlMaxLength = typeof(cutLongURL) == 'undefined' ? 0 : 50; if(this.ceMode){ taValue = taValue.replace(/\[URL="(.*?)"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/URL\]/gi, function(allstr, url, linkContent){ var curUseNoIndex = localUseNoIndex; var curUrl = _tagsParamReplace(url, false); if(curUseNoIndex && (!curUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || (window.bbEditorBaseHref.length > 0 && curUrl.indexOf(window.bbEditorBaseHref) >= 0))) curUseNoIndex = false; var attributes = ''; linkContent = _trim(linkContent); var noTagsLinkContent = _trim(_stripTags(linkContent).replace(/\"/g, '"')); if ((urlMaxLength > 0) && (noTagsLinkContent.length > urlMaxLength)) { attributes = ' title="' + noTagsLinkContent + '"'; linkContent = noTagsLinkContent.substr(0, urlMaxLength - 8 - 3) + '...' + noTagsLinkContent.substr(noTagsLinkContent.length - 8); } return (curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : '')+' '+linkContent+' '+(curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : ''); }); var allSmilesTitles = this.allSmilesTitles; taValue = taValue.replace(/\[IMG\](.*?)\[\/IMG\]/gi, function(allstr, url){return ' '}); var specSmileReg = new RegExp(((this.ceMode) ? '[^A-Za-z\\d]?(;\\)|:\\)|:D|:\\()' : '(;\\)|:\\)|:D|:\\()'), 'g'); taValue = taValue.replace(specSmileReg, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = specSmiles[smile]+'.gif'; return ' '}); taValue = taValue.replace(/\:([a-z\_]{1,20})\:/gi, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = smile+'.gif'; return ' '}); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?: )|(?: ))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/http(s?)\:/gi, 'htBREAKtp$1:'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/www/gi, 'wBREAKwBREAKw'); return pTagContent; }); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?: )|(?: ))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/wBREAKwBREAKw/gi, 'www'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/htBREAKtp(s?):/gi, 'http$1:'); return pTagContent; }); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/\[URL="(.*?)"\]((?:.|\r|\n)*?)\[\/URL\]/gi, function(allstr, url, linkContent){ var curUseNoIndex = localUseNoIndex; var curUrl = _tagsParamReplace(url, false); if(curUseNoIndex && (!curUrl.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || (window.bbEditorBaseHref.length > 0 && curUrl.indexOf(window.bbEditorBaseHref) >= 0))) curUseNoIndex = false; var attributes = ''; linkContent = _trim(linkContent); var noTagsLinkContent = _trim(_stripTags(linkContent).replace(/\"/g, '"')); if ((urlMaxLength > 0) && (noTagsLinkContent.length > urlMaxLength)) { attributes = ' title="' + noTagsLinkContent + '"'; linkContent = noTagsLinkContent.substr(0, urlMaxLength - 8 - 3) + '...' + noTagsLinkContent.substr(noTagsLinkContent.length - 8); } return (curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : '')+' '+linkContent+' '+(curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : ''); }); var allSmilesTitles = this.allSmilesTitles; taValue = taValue.replace(/\[IMG\](.*?)\[\/IMG\]/gi, function(allstr, url){return ' '}); if(this.ceMode){ taValue = taValue.replace(/(\s;\)|\s:\)|:D|:\()/g, function(allstr, smile){smile = smile.replace(' ', ''); var imgName = specSmiles[smile]+'.gif'; return ' '}); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/(;\)|:\)|:D|:\()/g, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = specSmiles[smile]+'.gif'; return ' '}); } taValue = taValue.replace(/\:([a-z\_]{1,20})\:/gi, function(allstr, smile){var imgName = smile+'.gif'; return ' '}); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?: )|(?: ))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/http(s?)\:/gi, 'htBREAKtp$1:'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/www/gi, 'wBREAKwBREAKw'); return pTagContent; }); taValue = taValue.replace(/(https?:\/\/www\.|https?:\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,8}[^ \r\n\t'"> 0 && curUrl.indexOf(window.bbEditorBaseHref) >= 0))) curUseNoIndex = false; return (curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : '')+' '+allstr+' '+(curUseNoIndex ? ' ' : ''); }); taValue = taValue.replace(/((?: )|(?: ))/gi, function(allstr, pTagContent){ pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/wBREAKwBREAKw/gi, 'www'); pTagContent = pTagContent.replace(/htBREAKtp(s?):/gi, 'http$1:'); return pTagContent; }); } taValue = taValue.replace(/(
                  ]*?>)CodeId_(\d+)()/g, function(allstr, preStart, codeId, preEnd){
                var result = preStart;
                    result += window.amiSimpleEditorCodes[codeId];
                result += preEnd;
                return result;
                taValue = taValue.replace(
                        return function(allstr, tagContent){
                            return obj.raws[parseInt(tagContent)];
            taValue = taValue.replace(/
  • ([^\n]*?)
  • /gi, '
  • $1
  • $2
  • '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
  • ([^\n]*?)
  • $1
  • $2
    '); tavalue="">
  • /gi, '
  • $1
  • '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    ([\r\n]*?)/gi, '\>
  • $1'); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    ([\r\n]*?)/gi, '$1'); taValue = taValue.replace(/

      /gi, '
        '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
        /gi, '\>
    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, '

    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/

    /gi, ' '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ' '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, '
    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    /gi, ' '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
      /gi, '
        '); taValue = taValue.replace(/
        /gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/
      /gi, '
        '); window.amiSimpleEditorCodes = []; return taValue; } this.fromHTMLContent = function(taValue){ var smilesPath = '_mod_files/smiles/' + this.smilesPath + '/'; var specSmiles = {"wink":";)", "smile":":)", "laugh":":D", "frown":":("}; if(this.ceMode && this.ce.useSpecialCharsFeature){ taValue = taValue.replace(/
        /gi, '_spec_rpl_val_br'); taValue = taValue.replace(/ /gi, '·'); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, '\r\n

        '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, ' \>

      '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, ' \>\>

    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, '


    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, '\r\n

    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? /gi, '\r\n

    '); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n? \r?\n?/gi, '\r\n'); } taValue = taValue.replace(/ style=""/gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/ class=""/gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/ target="_self"/gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/↵/gi, '[RAW]↵[/RAW]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\\([rn])/gi, '[_spec_rpl_val_$1]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n'); // Replace simple elements taValue = taValue.replace(/

                  /gi, '[CODE]');
            taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, '[/CODE]');
            taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, '[$1$2]');
            taValue = taValue.replace(/
      /gi, '[OL]'); taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, '[/OL]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/
    1. /gi, '[*]'); taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, ''); taValue = taValue.replace(/ /gi, '[S]'); taValue = taValue.replace(//gi, '[/S]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/ /gi, "[IMG]$1[/IMG]"); // Replace smiles taValue = taValue.replace(/ ]*?src=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s]*).*?>/gi, function(allstr, tagUrl){ var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); var pathPos = tagUrl.indexOf(smilesPath); if(pathPos >= 0){ var dotPos = tagUrl.indexOf(".", pathPos+smilesPath.length); if(dotPos >= 0){ var startPos = pathPos+smilesPath.length; var smileName = tagUrl.substr(startPos, dotPos-startPos); if(specSmiles[smileName] != undefined){ return specSmiles[smileName]; }else return ':'+smileName+':'; } } return allstr;} ); // Replace nested elements var replaceType = ['align', 'font', 'url', 'blockquote']; for(var i = 0; i
      (.*?)/ig, '[DIV]$1[/DIV]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/
      (.*?)/i, '[$1="DIV"]$2[/$1]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/
      (.*?)/i, '[$1="DIV"]$2[/$1]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/

      (.*?)/i, '[$1="P"]$2[/$1="P"]'); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/

      (.*?)/i, '[$1]$2[/$1]'); taValue = taValue.replace(/

      (.*?)/i, '[$1]$2[/$1]'); //taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)

      ]*?align=(?:"|')?(right|left|center|justify)(?:"|')?.*?>(.*?)|[^a-z].*?>)/i, '$1[$2]$3[/$2]'); } } else if(replaceType[i] == 'font') taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*) ]*?(face|size|color)=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*).*?>(.*?)/i, function(allstr, textStart, tagName, tagValue, tagContent){var tagTag = (tagName.toLowerCase() == "face" ? "FONT" : tagName.toUpperCase()); tagValue = tagValue.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); return textStart+'['+tagTag+'="'+tagValue+'"]'+tagContent+'[/'+tagTag+']';}); else if(replaceType[i] == 'url') { if(this.ceMode){ taValue = taValue.replace(/ (.*?)/igm, '[URL="$1"]$3[/URL]'); }else{ taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*) ]*?)href=((?:"|').*?(?:"|')|[^\s>]*)(.*?)>(.*?)|[^a-z].*?>)/i, function(allstr, textStart, tagParams1, tagUrl, tagParams2, tagContent){ if(tagUrl.indexOf('javascript:') > 0) return allstr; var tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/^('|")(.*?)\1$/g, '$2'); urlContent = tagContent; if(aParts = (tagParams1 + " " + tagParams2).match(/[^a-z]title="([^"]+)"/i)){ urlContent = aParts[1].replace(/"/mg, '"').replace(/ /mg, '\n').replace(/ /mg, '\r'); } return textStart + '[URL="' + tagUrl + '"]' + urlContent + '[/URL]'; }); } } else if(replaceType[i] == 'blockquote'){ taValue = taValue.replace(/^(.*)

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